
Showing posts from December, 2020

Matic Network coming with a new innovation called "Community Townhall"

  Over the years, loads of Blockchains have emerged with various solutions to the challenges that has become eminent in the industry. It is no doubt that most blockchains recorded heavy congestion and that resulted in delay as the design capacity have become overwhelmed and this has metamorphosed into situations where miners have to demand for high gas fees in order to prioritize transactions and remedies don't seem to be easy to implement as for those who saw the need to, e.g Ethereum 2.0. Ethereum founder, Vitalik Buterin has being on the cause of upgrading his Blockchain from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake and has not found the task easy as anticipated and he even confessed to having release the blockchain earlier, a few months delay before release will have being a solution to the challenge currently experienced.  This whole challenges associated with Scalability and high gas fess has birthed the need for other Blockchains to either write their own algorithm and correct the mi