MIGRANET: A blockchain solution for migration and immigrants

The act of migration, over the years from one country to another, has been flawed with limitless issues of scam and frustrated process been placed by various countries of the world. Hence, finding the best destination or country that suits one's desire or need remains paramount and interestingly one of the issues to be sorted in recent times. Wherefore, say no more as the Migranet cryptocurrency ecosystem is set make changes for the better and also provide the best guidelines or information at the individuals beckoning. The Migranet also seeks to re-shape, re-model, remake and re-define the system for which it is best suited to meet the needs of the individual. Hence, adopting the cryptocurrency technology and approach remains the best tenets to be used. The reasons are simple, firstly, blockchain structure navigates on the premise of decentralisation and also scalability which avails users limitless reach on the system. This makes sure no individual is left un-attended to in whatever case despite the number of applications.This is what the Migranet Cryptocurrency ecosystem navigates through by removing all barriers and limitless to where and how people can migrate.

The Migranet Cryptocurrency ecosystem stands basically on the goals and ideology on how to make sure individuals migrates to any country of choice easily and efficiently without constraints or issues as the case maybe. The platform provides the best standard approach of providing the best lawyers, best advise and also guide on the realistic country and individual can attend or travel to for free, give recommendations, provide regulations, applications requisition and many more services in a decentralized manner. Nothing, makes life easy as when the right information and counsel is been passed to the individual or group. This is what Migranet addresses and re-models for the users on the platform. Furthermore, Migranet provides a 100% free legal fee and professional help for individuals. Secondly, it also provides high biometric system for keeping documents of agents and applicants on the platform and provides reduced fees for permanent residency and more.
-Most issues of Migration:
-Country to migrate to:
Individuals all over the world are finding it difficult to choose which country to migrate to without limits and excessive charges. This makes for the arrival of Migranet.
-Trustworthy Practitioners:
Migrating in this recent world means in frequent cases, one will fall into the hands of scams and fraudulent individuals. This is the menace Migranet addresses through its decentralized platform.
- Fees:
The fees involved for hiring professional immigration experts remains limitless and is backed with backlogs that go forth and back over a long duration.
-Complex payment system:
The system is complex with bank charges and many more fees.This fees are limitless and unending for the users.
-Algorithm node:
The Migranet system provides a well designed algorithm that checks and validates credentials to assert the country the individual is best suited for.
-Blockchain Architecture:
The smart contract system approach helps to checkmate cases of malpractices, fraud and many more scam in the system.
-Biometric ID:
The Migranet platform uses the hash encryption for identification than the names of individuals to access their identity on the platform. This gives credibility to the system and makes it safe for confidentiality.
MIG Token Usage:
The MIG token will be used on the platform, for easy and reliability of payment verification at all times. This reduces excessive charges and more.
The 3 Enrolment Processes:
- Enroll:
Migranet aids the applicants to enrol in the system with their credentials
- Select:
Thus, Migranet after enrolment provides through its back-end algorithm the best options such as residency, study options and many more particularly for the individual.
Hence, after the two processes are completed, applications are processed and fees are charged using the MIG token value of $500 for permanent residency and $150 for other forms of migrations as the case maybe.
The Migranet roadmap iterates the system plans with connotative dates of achievements. Below images depicts the Migranet plans and blueprint.

Website: https://migranet.io/
Telegram: https://t.me//migranet
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/migranetnews
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/migranet888/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/migranet1
Authored by: jerrison
Bitcointalk url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1013741
Ethereum wallet address: 0xc47c291ece9319cf5acf74704dc816a2ce14a407
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