Me Token is a new decentralized model for digital content creation.

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The market place has become more of a social interaction node. Everything or even every kind of business venture lives and dies on the social paradigm. This is a representation of how the 21st century world has quickly evovled and also adopted the newness of socal marketing trends. The blockchain is a renaissance feature of one of these trends and presently, it provides the right framework for business modelling and synergy coupled with the renewness of ideas and project. One of this projects is the MeToken on the Crypto-currency node. The MeToken is a representation of the social commerce interface for businesses. it gives the direct meduim for which influencers,brands and individuals to function in the different varinaces of business such as shopping and others etc.
The MeToken is a cryptocurrency blockchain coinage defined exclusively as a social commerce platform for influencers, individuals and brands stimulating shoppable discovery applications in the fashion industry and introducing the, this is the basic under-tone of the MeToken business platform for users via the blockchain.
▪The Problem: The brand marketing platform is complex and faces a lot of challenges as it were. The MeToken has decided to shape list them for users benefits and why underline why MeToken offers a way out. They are;
-Unbalanced distribution of content values on the media;The content developers are left behind as social platforms enjoy all benefits.
-Broken sales Cycle:" Social media’s current structure fails to bridge the gap between discovery and sales conversion"(,2018).
-Lack of control: " Users have no control over how their data is used by social platforms"(,2018).
▪Solutions: The Metoken becomes the first decentrlaized ERC20 coinage for users and also acts as the community currency been duly adopted by the social commerce platforms. Thus, on the Metoken is also the fashion platform for users as it is shoppable and instagram-like in nature. Thus via this construct will influencers,Comsumers and Brands enjoy vast benefits. Below are some of the benefits these brands will enjoy for Metoken solution thread.
▪Influencers: " Token compensation for content,Tiered system of reward earnings,Fair and transparent content distribution"(,2018)
▪Consumers:" Token compensation for sharing data,Fully shoppable content,Digital fitting room, style advice, and more"(,2018).
▪Brands:" Higher click-through rate,More conversions,Better influencer ROI"(,2018).
The Metoken EconoMe illustrates the platform schematics of operations and conceptualization model. Below is the schema;
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Schema 1( Token EconoMe).
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Token sale is depicted in the schema image below
Schema 2( token sale and distribution)
This section represents two schemas such as the use of Proceeds and token fund distribution. Below is the representation of both.
Schema 3 & 4 (Use of Proceeds)
▪Why Us;
This section defines and expands on the per-degree of the MeToken. This facts outlines them in full.
  • founded in 2015 by serial entrepreneur Jonathan Leong
-Expert fashion, technology and social commerce teams.
-Established fashion industry network
-State of the art image recognition software
-Proprietary patented technology
The Metoken roadmap is below with the outline of team platforms achieved and projected milestones,objectives etc. Below is the detailed schema.
Schema 5(MeToken ROADMAP)
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