AFRICAN COIN EXCHANGE brings affordable trading to your doorstep

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The African continent continues to evolve and follow the blockchain trend. However, the challenges involved with the trading and also exchange of cryptocurrencies has been a major concern. Hence, this has lingered for a long time and also, it has proven to be difficult by its hope of acceptance. That been said, a new crypto ecosystem has evolved and has emerged to make cryptocurrency exchange processes in Africa easier and more flexible. That platform is known as the African Coin Exchange on the Blockchain ecosystem. The platform provides the liquidity framework for fait currency exchange to crypto currencies at all times and in a more reliable platform. AFCe is unique and simply because it resonants the main approach for which cryptocurrency can now thrive with BTC, Altcoins and many others on the blockchain. Etheruem is not left out of it. The Afce paradigm provides the technology and also the right information for cryptocurrency-fiat exchange and vice-versa. In essence, the Afce is here to make this process easy and friendly. In a few words Afce cryptocurrency ecosystem is the next phase of cryptocurrency exchange to fiat for transactions of goods and services.
The Afce cryptocurrency ecosystem makes a boast, as been the most assertive cryptocurrency for fiat currency exchange to cryptocurrency exchange. This is what the Afce stands for with its tenacity, flexibility, dependability, reliance and also liquidity framework that the platform is been built on. The African coin exchange is built for Africans by Africans that understand the business terrain of Africans. In essence, Afce stands as the driving point and most reliable exchange for cryptocurrency due to its wealth of knowledge, information and research on the African adoption of cryptocurrency. Afce is flexible and can be accessed via any online or internet device. This makes it easy for wider reach and proximity in the trading of crypto currencies or even fiat as the case maybe. African coin exchange is like the forex market for cryptocurrency exchange on the African continent and is limitless to others who want to trade tokens and also earn tokens on the platform. KYC (know your customer) is paramount for users on the platform as designed by the team for safety and authentication of users.
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Below are focal features of the platform, which makes it unique for businesses and transactions to be done.
  • Fund Transfer:
The Afce platform can be used to carryout deposit and also withdrawal through its 2FA authentication. This makes it easy and awesome to trade tokens and more.
-Security and Safety:
The Afce provides a two way authentication process with an additional google authentication for users on the platform. It therefore establishes that the platform is reliable for users to trade and carryout exchange.
Liquidity on the African coin exchange is flexible and easy for transactions and exchanges.
The trading algorithm on the Afce makes trading of crypto to fait currency fast, scalable, stable and also real time execution of orders.
-Referral Reward :
Users on Afce will be rewarded for referrals of the platform to people such as friend and other users.
The Afce roadmap puts all its plans and goals in a more constructive fashion with timeline deadlines to be met. This is what makes its awesome for users to check and follow the trend. The roadmap can be accessed at https://www.
Authored by: jerrison
Eth wallet address: 0xc47c291ece9319cf5acf74704dc816a2ce14a407


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